Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In Memory

Today marks the day three years ago that my Papa Bond died. Although I didn't get to see him as much as I would've liked growing up, there are so many things he taught me and inspired in me. In memory of my sweet grandpa, I'm going to list the 3 things about him that I love.

1. His feisty-ness. There was never a dull moment with my Papa Bond around. He spoke things like they were and wasn't afraid to give someone a good kick in the butt if they needed one. (Or even if they didn't haha!) I loved that about him.

2. His faith. Papa Bond knew what he believed and he stuck to it. He was stubborn... but because of this he never compromised in what he believed. I got a bit of that from him...

3. His heart. Never once in my life did I doubt that my Papa Bond loved me to pieces. He had a special place in his heart for each one of his children and grandchildren. I always knew he wanted what was best for me, and thought I was valuable. I will cherish that forever.

I love you Papa Bond. I'm so glad you're happy now. I can't wait to run and dance with you everyday for the rest of forever.



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