Monday, May 30, 2011

Alright, Summer can begin... Now! :)

Today was such a great day! First full day I've been home, it was hot and sunny, and I did a bunch of spontaneous summer things. It finally feels like summer!
Three good things about today:

1. I went out shopping with my mom and Kara! I found a new swimsuit and we got Andy's afterwards! Woohoo!

2. I got to hang with my roomie Katie Stephens!! I've missed her so much! It's weird living with a person, and then never seeing them. So excited for our semester this fall. Towers South 614 here we come!

3. My family ate outside for Memorial Day and made smores! It was so nice to enjoy the beautiful summer day.

Dear Veterans, active military, and families,
I am so in awe of the sacrifices you have made to protect our country and what we stand for. Thank you for inspiring us all with your courage, bravery, strength, and selflessness. May you all feel special and honored on this day.

Love you friends!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Man, what a week! My family and I headed out to Salt Lake City, Utah last Saturday and didn't actually leave St. Louis until Monday because our flights got canceled 2 days in a row! Although it was kind of inconvenient, I thought it was pretty fun to explore St. Louis. We went biking on the Katy trail and went to a Renaissance Faire that Kara's roommate was in. We also drove through a huge hail storm, twice! haha all in all, it was a pretty adventurous vacation! I loved getting to see my sweet grandparents, and I loved getting to explore southern Utah in the middle of the week. It's so beautiful out there! I had a bunch of fun, but it sure is nice to be home.

Right after Kara and I were born, my Nana and Poppy sold their house and moved to Jackson. For 14 years they lived two miles away from our house; and it was one of the biggest blessings of my life. A few years ago they moved to Salt Lake. I've sure missed them since they've been gone. In honor of my favorite people, I'm doing my list today on the 3 great things about my grandparents!

1. My Nana and Poppy have ALWAYS been there for me. When I was little, it was driving endlessly around Cape to find the "Blue Park" and going faithfully to my recitals. As I've gotten older, it is keeping in touch with me and always supporting my life and my future. I've been so blessed to have such big fans in my life!

2. My grandparents are so FUNNY! They crack me up! I love their sense of humor. They are so fun to be around!

3. Last but not least, my Nana and Poppy genuinely care deeply for everyone. I know they love me with all their hearts, and they love and treat everyone with kindness. They are such great examples to me.

Dear Nana and Poppy, although you live hundreds of miles away now, you will always have such a special place in my heart. I love you to the moon and back.



Friday, May 20, 2011

{Three Things}

1. Today I got the Coconut Mocha Frappuccino at Starbucks. Man o man, is that thing tasty!!

2. I dropped some clothes off at the Salvation Army and my mom let me drive her car! It's a big, white Lexis, and makes me feel like a beast when I drive it.

3. As I've been packing for our trip to Salt Lake City, I've been watching a lot of Parks and Recreation. It is such a funny show! You guys should definitely check it out.

Speaking of packing, my family and I are going to be out in the ol' Utah visiting the grandparents and going to Bryce Canyon for a week! Hopefully I can find some internet, but if not, have a great week homies!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bye, Bye, Burritos

Tonight was my last night working at Qdoba! I first got my job there a year and a half ago, and I have learned and grown so much since I started there. It was definitely challenging for me at times, and I knew it was time for me to leave. But God really used that job for his glory and for my good, and I know it was his plan and will that I was there for that time. In honor of my year and a half folding burritos, I'm going to do my list on three things about Qdoba that God turned out for good.

1. One my favorite things to look back on is how God opened my eyes to people who are different then me. Working at Qdoba I was constantly surrounded with coworkers who were very different than my friends I usually hang out with . Most of these people I probably would never had talked to or got to know in any other situation. But man, I've loved getting to know these people... It has been such a blessing for me to share a bit of life with them.

2. Working at Qdoba taught me how to multi task and work well under pressure. This may seem silly, but all those days working with customers and doing a million tasks at once really improved the way I act in stressful situations. I think this will be really helpful when I'm a nurse someday.

3. Most of all, working at Qdoba was taught me that following what I know God wants me to do doesn't always mean it will be easy. I know he had a purpose for me there... I may never truly know what it was. So many days I came home defeated and upset and struggling with someone at work or some circumstance. Sticking with it was so tough... but I knew I needed to do it. Looking back now, I'm glad I stayed with it. I know there was a reason. But it was so valuable for me to learn that God's will isn't always what is easiest. I just have to have faith that it is for my good and for his glory... because he is so worth it. It made me stronger.

Happy Thursday friends!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Adventure Day!

I'm blogging a little late tonight because I just got home from the Fox Theater!! For my birthday, Anthony took me to see Jersey boys!! :)

1. Today, the Garmin lied to us. We were just driving along in St. Louis, and suddenly realized that we were headed over to Illinois across the river! Oh no!! Luckily, Anthony has such a great sense of direction, and we only lost our cool a little bit. :) We got there just in time to buy the tickets!

2. We didn't have any specific dinner plans, so we got to explore the city! It was so fun. And we ended up eating at this really cool Italian place (of course) haha.

3. Most of all, today was a great day because I got to spend the day with my best friend! He is the best company in the world!!

Goodnight all! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In Memory

Today marks the day three years ago that my Papa Bond died. Although I didn't get to see him as much as I would've liked growing up, there are so many things he taught me and inspired in me. In memory of my sweet grandpa, I'm going to list the 3 things about him that I love.

1. His feisty-ness. There was never a dull moment with my Papa Bond around. He spoke things like they were and wasn't afraid to give someone a good kick in the butt if they needed one. (Or even if they didn't haha!) I loved that about him.

2. His faith. Papa Bond knew what he believed and he stuck to it. He was stubborn... but because of this he never compromised in what he believed. I got a bit of that from him...

3. His heart. Never once in my life did I doubt that my Papa Bond loved me to pieces. He had a special place in his heart for each one of his children and grandchildren. I always knew he wanted what was best for me, and thought I was valuable. I will cherish that forever.

I love you Papa Bond. I'm so glad you're happy now. I can't wait to run and dance with you everyday for the rest of forever.



Monday, May 16, 2011

3 Things: Take 1

Hey guys! Today was a great day! Whenever the weather is this beautiful, it's easy to find lots of good things to talk about.

Three great things about today:

1. This morning I got to sleep in! It's my fourth official day of summer, but the first day I've got to sleep in past 6:45. It was marvelous.

2. I met with Brett and Nate at Starbucks today to talk about Ignite Band stuff for next semester! I am so honored that I get to lead the band this fall, and I am so excited for what God is going to do!! It is so fun for me to watch him step up and work things out, especially when I don't feel like I'm good enough on my own.

3. It was my last Monday night ever at Qdoba!! I actually had a lot of fun working tonight. Things always seem better when there aren't many of them left. I think I'll actually be sad when I leave.

Have a happy Monday home skillets!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

3, 2, 1, Beginning!

Hi friends! I've decided to start a new blog. Here's the story:

During my sophomore year of high school, my friend Chrissy and I had a tradition every day at lunchtime. As we ate, we would tell each other 3 good things that happened to us that day. Some days it was easy, and other days it was almost nearly impossible. Looking back, this tradition was so vital in helping me keep up with my friends life and also maturing me into a woman who tries to see life through different perspectives. So, my goal is to post 3 things every day that were good, even in some not always good days! Here we go!